Sunday, October 18, 2009

Been my view the last 3 days. A lot of call-offs due to the flu. WASH YOUR HANDS!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Severe @ Meeting of Styles Chicago 2009

Spider senses been tingling all week. Spoke with Dzine @ Risk's show at Beverly Arts Center (good work) and confirmed what's been going on with my work. Stated I should put down my beliefs. What I believe/see will not be user friendly.

I truly believe we are all slaves in one form or another. Either way we are all slaves. We've spent so much time and energy convincing ourselves that we are more than that, and we are, but not right now. Just slaves.

I thank Tom Torluemke for his work. As crazy as it looks, it challenges your moral/ethical fibers and forces you to continue the argument of beauty/sexuality/ and freakness.

All Praises due to Allah.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Images from Heartland Graffiti exhibition @ Swope Art Museum, Terra Haute, IN
The exhibit runs through Jan 2nd.

ArtPrize was a no go. There was not a meeting of the minds. Was concerned about lack of insurance + location. This was my proposed installation. I call it "Sadatay"

View of installation for Unusual Suspects exhibit organized by Risk and Bill Weyna. It was a great exhibit.

Nec, Tony, Johnny ... Tattoers part of Inkvasion exhibit @ CISA Gallery
Tommorrow Has Arrived performed @ Reception

Subsurface Outdoor graffiti exhibition was good times. Sacred and Cents always do a great job at making the event "chill". I got up with Omen and Bone from my crew CISA.